Trust Your Crazy Ideas

“…step forward into growth or step back into safety.”

Abraham Maslow

*Photo Courtesy of Unsplash

Sitting in the middle of my desk, among postcards and favorite paintings, is a box of hidden notecards. They are a collection called “Trust your crazy ideas”. Each card is sealed and upon opening, like a fortune cookie, a little quote appears with an encouraging thought or idea (by a company called Thoughtfulls) and this quote above sits on my desk reminding me to keep taking steps forward (even if they seem too small, its better than not moving forward at all!). Sometimes we need these reminders to sit in front of our face everyday, like post-its on a mirror or a word in ink on your hand.

I wanted to restart this blog in a new way. Rather than just post the typical updates and announcements only a few times a year, I wanted to start sharing my stories, small adventures, and learning opportunities. As an artist with many different interests and hobbies, I don’t always feel like the ‘expert’ I hope to be and feel that I am constantly learning and trying to grow, to meet some unattainable goal (anyone relate?). I find myself constantly starting over. Many things are discovered through trial and error, but when that once-in-a-while A-HA moment happens, it feels like gold.

In the last month I have committed myself to mastering the art of landscape painting. I have been spending many hours on YouTube and other websites watching and writing tips from other artists I admire. As I’ve dived deep into student mode, I’ve seen the benefits of having thoughts written out and underlined, ideas sketched and archived, as a collection. My hope is that this blog is an addition to that archive, as another way to process what I’m learning and what I value as someone trying to add beauty to the world.

As you read these posts I hope it will inspire you to keep growing and keep trying new things! The more time we give to our creativity, the more our imagination has room to flourish and grow, and the more of our true selves show up. Every story, every experience, every perspective, matters. In this space I’ll be writing about art-making, networking, moving to different cities, social media, NFT’s, prints, art sales, art books, and much more! I would also love to hear your thoughts on what you’d be interested to know more about or what you’re trying to grow in creatively.

Keep moving forward!

<3 Lindsay


*photo courtesy of Unsplash

Lindsay Spellman